Talismaanin kennel

Talismaanin Owleyes Magic "Maggie"


Date of birth 26.5.2017 breeding database

Health Eyes free of inherited diseases. Gonioscopy: clear

Race results Finnish Championship MD6 2020 4th/siberians

Racing test results (REK)
Middle distance

Show results
Jun. EXC1, CQ /Helsinki Summer Show 2018
Int. EXC1, CQ /Lahti 2019
Opn. EXC /Speciality Show 2019

Position in the team Seems to have leader skills

2017: Bred by us and stays in our kennel.

2020: Maggie has developed into really nice worker. She has run in lead in some unofficial races and for example in dryland MD race "Jämi MD". We are expecting good results when she gets older. She has REK2 from middle distance race (Ruunaa Race) at the age of ca. 2,5 years.

Maggie leading in Jämi drlyland MD race

Maggie 1 month

Maggie 1,5 years