Race results
We started racing in 2013. Results are collected here.
Some of our race /training / etc. videos are in Youtube
Season 2019-2020
We were again involved in organising some sled dog events, this season that meant two working tests in Räyskälä, Loppi. However we had plenty of time to try some new training methods, including a new training cart. We participated a dryland sprint in autumn, dogs got a nice "REK2" -result from there (Alma Off Snow 2019 in Mikkeli, a new race venue!), and MD race in February, Ruunaa Race 2020, where we placed 4/6 of siberians (MD6, Finnish Championship race) and got again REK2 result easily. Chérie is back in training and running after puppies, and she truly is my super race leader.
From the working tests three YLE-1 results (56/60 points) for Ice, Typy, and Tatanka, and Lemmy got 44/60 points in leader class (Finnish Championship working test), but that went to zero as he did not get any points from U-turn. We had high hopes to participate more races but because of covid-19 of course, everything was cancelled.
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Season 2018-2019
We were involved in organizing working tests and races of the club. Got only some results for the dogs, for example JOH-2 for Lucy in the Finnish Championship working test of sleddogs (46/60 points). Dogs run the result "REK3" from MD race 3 x 47 km (MD6 Finnish Championship race, Ruunaa Race 2019; Chérie, Lucy, Typy, Ice, Havok, Voodoo).
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Season 2017-2018
We trained the dogs basically just for fun, as I was pregnant through the whole season. Young dogs were running middle distances for the first time and we tested them in one race as well, but had to stop after 2 days of racing, clearly would have required more concentrated training. Had a lot of fun though and visited many interesting places with the team. Porvoo river was frozen this winter and we had nice sled runs on the ice in the middle of fishermen, tourists, and people walking their dogs.
However, our breeding work paid off during the season - lovely news from WSA World Championship race, Polardistans 2018: "Talismaanin Sirius Calls You", Sissi x Havok puppy, led her team to bronze medal in long distance race!
Season 2016-2017
Autumn 2016 started with good results in a sled dog working test (REKÄ), as both Chérie and Havok got excellent grades, and Chérie got the highest score of the dogs tested (58/60).
We continued training for middle distances and participated our first MD race in Ruunaa, Lieksa in February 2017, a 3-day race with a daily distance of 33 km. That was Finnish Championship race for MD4-class. Chérie and Havok led the team, Arska and Voodoo as wheel dogs. The dogs performed better and better every day with times of 2:29, 2:24, and 2:11. We placed 4th of siberians.
We decided to participate also Gold Rush Run in Lappland, in MD6-class (2x45 km). Unfortunately one dog of the race team hurt her leg and had to be left at home. We started with 5 dogs, but bad luck continued as one dog got stomach problems during the first day run. We completed the race with 4 dogs, Chérie and Havok again leading, and Arska and Tatanka as wheel dogs.
Three of our Sissi & Havok puppies participated their first race in Ohkola spring-sprint. We run the race with motorless atv and placed 3rd in SP8-class. Chérie-Havok, Sissi-Typy, Voodoo-Lucy and Arska-Ice run in the race.
Finally, in May, Chérie and Havok participated working test again, this time in leader class. Both got JOH-2 result (good).
Season 2015-2016
We were happy and lucky to have two new huskies Voodoo and Havok in our racing team in August 2015. Training started slowly in the warm weather, and the first sprint race was in Ohkola 26.9. The team clearly had not reached the same condition it had last spring, as the speed was only 24 km/h but that was quite obvious due to the few training kilometers. Also, our team leader Glimmer had reached the age of 10 years in August. The autumn sprints brought us a little bit of bad luck in the form of accidents. I hit a tree and lost time in Ylikiiminki Alma Off Snow sprint 10.10., but we got the best race results of the autumn there. DR4 - Chérie, Sissi, Voodoo, Arska - 2x3.6 km, time 18:04, placement 9/19 of siberians, 10/31 of all, test result REK3.
We participated one sled dog working test, where Voodoo got excellent grade (REKÄ YLE-1).
I trained the team towards MD distances during winter. We did not participate any MD races though. I concentrated in our first litter during the spring.
Season 2014-2015
Autumn 2014
We participated three dry land sprint races in DR4 class. These were my first races in this class. The first two, Pertunmaa 27.9.2014 and Ohkola
4.10.2014, we ran with borrowed huskies added in the team to complete the number of the dogs up to four (thank you friends!!), and the third one, Jämi 18.-19.10.2014, we ran with our own three
huskies: Sissi & Glimmer in lead, and Arska in wheel. The three ran very well in this race and even if there was only three of them, we missed the official racing test
result (REK3) with only about 15 seconds.
Winter 2014-15
During the short and warm winter, I continued running our small team added with visiting huskies borrowed from our friends. In January, we participated Robur sprint
in SP8 class with 6 huskies (there was no 6 dog class). Ohkola sprint race was in February, a traditional winter happening which is organised in our
usual training place. During the weekend, the dogs run both SP4 and SP6, 8 km each. Most successful weekend we spent in Kasari 31.1.-1.2, where I drove altogther 3 rounds in an official sled dog
working test (REKÄ-koe). Our Sissi and Arska both got the best result, REKÄ YLE1, and I was very happy that also the visiting huskies in our team got very good results! We
participated another test as well and got an official racing test result for Sissi and Arska, REK3. Glimmer was not enrolled in the tests but he did the hardest work
during the whole weekend leading the team every round.
Ohkola 25.4.2015
We have now 4 siberians in the race team - this was Chérie's first competition.
DR4 (Chérie, Glimmer, Sissi, Arska), 4.1 km, time 09:25, speed 26.1 km/h, placement 8/13 of siberians
Canicross unofficial series DCH (Irma), 2.4 km, time 10:45, placement 8/9
Jämi 9.5.2015
DR4 (Chérie, Glimmer, Sissi, Arska), 4.2 km, time 09:16, speed 27.2 km/h, placement 6/11 of siberians
Canicross unofficial series DCH (Irma), 3.3 km, time 16:11, placement 7/9
Season 2013-2014
Pekola 22.9.2013
DS2 (Sissi & Glimmer), 2.5 km, time 07:20, speed 20.6 km/h, placement 6/7 (of siberians)
Canicross DCH (Irma), 2.5 km, time 11:18, speed 13.38 km/h, placement 5/9
Ohkola 28.9.2013
DS2 (Sissi & Glimmer), 4.1 km, time 10:04, speed 24.4 km/h, placement 9/13
Canicross unofficial series DCH (Irma), 2.4 km, time 10:11, placement 5/6
Jämi 12.-13.10.2013
DS2 (Sissi & Glimmer), 2*4.2 km, total time 21:13, placement 11/17
Metsäkartano 15.-16.2.2014
My first race with a sled. We participated the 4-dog sprint with 3 huskies. This was the very first race for Arska -
I'm very proud of Glimmer, teaching Arska how to behave!
SP4 (Sissi & Glimmer in lead, Arska in wheel), 2*7.2 km, total time 50:04, placement 17/21
Jämi 10.5.2014
DS2 (Sissi & Glimmer), 4.2 km, time 10:13, speed 24.67 km/h, placement 3/5 of siberians, 7/10 of all
Canicross unofficial series DCH (Irma), 3.3 km, time 15:00, placement 6/7
Season 2012-2013
Jämi 25.5.2013
DS2 (Sissi & Glimmer), 3.2 km, time 08:18, speed 23.1 km/h, placement 3/6